Reducing Costs and Boosting Profit: Discovering Expense Reduction Strategies

Discover Expense Reduction Strategies

We’re seeking out business owners looking to reduce their expenses. As you generate more revenue, your cost of doing business rises as well.

With the right cost-reduction strategy in place, you can reduce your bills and claim the money you’ve been leaving on the table at the same time. It sounds too good to be true, but it’s not!

Join us for Reducing Costs and Boosting Profit: Discovering Expense Reduction Strategies on Wednesday, July 12th at 11:00 am CDT, where we’ll explain how you can maintain your current service providers at a reduced cost. You can even write off this service as a tax expense.

Any business owner with a brick-and-mortar location qualifies for a complimentary savings review.

If you’re interested in saving money, don’t miss this event!

Meet Your Host, Jeff Stolper

Jeff Stolper started on Wall Street 30 years ago & by 1995 was the top producer/Stockbroker at his firm. After 10 years and 6 financial licenses, Jeff pivoted and started his own innovative advertising firm called Neighborhood Business Partnership & Jeff then got involved in a Health & Wellness direct selling company before creating the best business idea of his career pioneering the Bill Reduction/Bill Negotiation Industry. 

Jeff is well regarded for being one of the best bill negotiators and his company iDeal Advocates being the Premier Bill Negotiation Company in the industry.

We Look Forward to Seeing You on Wednesday, July 12th at 11:00 am CDT!